
Saint Augustine: Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons is unavailable, but you can change that!

Containing 79 sermons for nine different liturgical seasons on the Christian calendar, these quintessential Augustinian works provide a new look at Augustine’s thought, exploring his gift at oratory writing and the topics of his preaching.

if it is kept rather than bestowed? I speak now of anger against another held in the heart. For what is more foolish than to avoid one enemy outwardly, yet hold a much more dangerous one in the inner recesses of your heart? In this regard the Apostle says: ‘Do not let the sun go down on your anger,’ to which he immediately adds: ‘Do not give place to the devil,’7 as if he meant that he who does not quickly drive anger from his mind furnishes through his anger, as through a door, an opening for the
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